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9号秘事 第七季

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  • 年份:2022 地区:英国 类型:欧美 
  • 状态:第6集 / 12-13
  • 主演:里斯·谢尔史密斯 史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿 马克·加蒂斯 戴安·摩根 帕特里斯·奈安巴纳 安妮特·白兰特 丹尼尔·梅斯 詹森·艾萨克 杰西卡·海因斯 黛西·海格达 苏菲·奥康内多 赛奥汉·雷门 罗恩·库克 
  • 导演:阿尔·坎贝尔 
  • 简介:The two brand new series will promise more fantasticall第一集我觉得很无聊第一集的暗线其实讲了一个「曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云」般温暖却哀伤的故事。当我们在生命中,曾拥有过一段过于闪亮与幸福的时光,曾遇见过此生不移的那个人,其实是幸运,也是诅咒。因为盛宴不常在,好景知离别,当那份感情离我们渐行渐远,我们却会太过迷恋最初的温存,而忘记moveon,此岸再多风景又有何好看——我只想与你共赏暗夜湖上须臾绽放的烟花。S7E1:接下来我们把压力给到了浏阳烟花厂。S7E2:乡村教师有风险,走前最好买保险。S7E3:强烈怀疑二册和胖胖是BBC的套娃。S7E4:流水的拍档,铁打的转账。S7E5:I’mnotveryhappy...他们就没有创作瓶颈吗?感觉不再是原来那种最后憋着大招在剧情上创奇的9号了,能感受到有一些胖胖和二册自己经历的人生况味了,为这部作品注入了自己一部分人生。等全更完再排序。 详细 >


The two brand new series will promise more fantastically twisted tales from the brilliant minds of Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith. The announcement comes ahead of the series five finale this evening (Monday 9th March 2020) on BBC Two at 10pm. Since Inside No. 9 first launched in 2014, over 30 episodes have now been broadcast including the incredibly ambitious live episode Dead Line. The latest series has again received plaudits from fans and critics alike. Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton said: “Little did we know when we started Inside No. 9 in 2014 that we would end up with as many episodes of it as Countryfile. We are delighted and exhausted in equal measure at the prospect of two more series-worth of tall tales and fearsome fables. However, we will endeavour to showcase the very best of what the BBC can do in every genre with 30 minutes of story-telling and some half-decent wigs. We might even try a Countryfile episode, no one would expect that…” Shane Allen, Controller, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning says: “With over 30 distinctive and dazzling shows to date, their ability to master and nail every genre of story-telling with brevity, invention and flair is unparalleled. Oscars have been won for less than Reece and Steve manage to conjure up with each original concept for every single show. Quite simply they have the most fertile minds in British comedy and god knows what magic the next series will bring.” Josh Cole, Head of Comedy, BBC Studios says: “Reece and Steve continue to make and break all the rules of comedy in ever more spectacular and horrifying fashion, and we are delighted that the BBC have given us the opportunity to make two more series. To paraphrase the show itself, not since the escaped cow has there been such excitement. Long live Inside No. 9!” Series six and seven will stay true to show’s anthology format with each series containing six brand new half hour films, each set in a different location. The style and tone changing each week, combining a different mix of horror, thriller, drama and comedy - always aiming to surprise, delight, unnerve and amuse. As ever, a host of talented actors will join Reece and Steve, with series five including actors such as Jenna Coleman, David Morrissey, Ralf Little, Fionn Whitehead, Maxine Peake and Phil Davis. Series five also included a surprise Psychoville cross-over episode, Death Be Not Proud, which saw the unexpected return of fan favourites David and Maureen Sowerbutts and Mr Jelly. Inside No. 9 series six and seven have been commissioned by Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning and Patrick Holland, Controller, BBC Two. The commissioning editor for the BBC will be Gregor Sharp and they will be executive produced by Jon Plowman with Adam Tandy as producer. 展开全部


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